Our ESL students participated in the Oreo Project 2003 with more than 300 schools in the United States and Canada. We scraped and weighed the creme filling from regular Stuf Oreos and Double Stuf Oreos to try to prove the sponsoring schools's hypothesis,"the creme fillling in a bag of Double Stuf Oreos will NOT equal in weight that of the filling of Regular Stuf Oreos."
We took a vote to see which pile of Stuf would weigh more. The class was 100% sure that the Double Stuf Creme filling would weigh more than the Regular Stuf Oreos. The class was divided into two groups-the Regular Stuf scrapers and the Double Stuf scrapers. First, we scraped the filling out of the Oreo cookies.

Here are our Stuf piles from an 18 oz. Regular Stuf Oreos bag and 18 oz. Double Stuf Oreos bag.

Double Stuf /Regular Stuf

Next we weighed the two piles of Stuf.

The Regular Stuf filling weighed 4 ounces and the Double Stuf filling weighed 8 ounces. The students guessed right! The Double Stuf Oreo filling weighed more!

After the scraping and weighing was over we made Oreo sculptures. Here are some of our creations.
Oreo Snowman

Oreo Car

Oreo Snow Angel

Oreo Volcano

We also had an Oreo Stacking contest. The winner stacked 28 Oreos before they toppled.

Of course we had to sample some Oreos.

We ended our Oreo Day by completing Oreo wordsearches courtesy of Technospud.

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